I won't bore you to death with every little detail, but I will tell you that, yes, I know I went overboard in the kitchen today. I cook for a living every day at work. Then, on my day off I cook like a madman here in the little red kitchen. It's insanity, I tell you. Pure insanity. I'll just say that the garden made me do it. From top to bottom: Oven-BBQ'd Bramble Hollow Chicken, Melted Tomatoes, Baby Carrots cooked with Purple Viking Potatoes, Beet Greens and Chard with Caramelized Onions and Israeli Couscous, Cucumber Salad, Fresh October Beans cooked with Okra (thanks to Brandon Stevens for the inspiration), Roasted Beets, and Halifax County Cantaloupe. Mighty fine dinner tonight, if I do say so myself.

Woo hoo...something to do with all those beets and 'maters.